A collage study inspired by Azrail, one of the four archangels in Islam. The figure holds their arms in an orans prayer pose with another being superimposed over their face, who is using instruments to measure or create. A metaphor suggesting a higher being’s judicial decisions of human morality, and holding souls accountable for their unjust actions.

A collage study inspired by @aaolomi's Twitter thread on jinn queens, in particular the daughter of Iblis. A figurative feminine shape ascends a smoke-like path, leading toward a domed entrance. The smoke path obscures two faces beneath it. Text reads: "Graceful/and Popular/Skills.” Soundtrack: "In the Cold, Cold Night" by The White Stripes.

A collage study using found paper to create a cityscape, referencing several cities at once: Los Angeles, Kansas City, and Tripoli, Lebanon.

A collage study inspired by @aaolomi's Twitter feed on Islamic archangel Israfil, Angel of Resurrection: "Israfil waits with eyes upturned to God and when the signal is given, the angel will reputedly blow on the horn ending all life, flattening the mountains, and bringing the end./Then when Israfil blows again all will be resurrected and the Day of Judgement begins." (April 1, 2020, 11:04am).

Inspired by recent dreams during the pandemic, especially watching thunderstorms while back in my childhood bedroom. Main text reads: "The Desert Tamed.”

This collage organizes “margins” saved from pages used in previous work, reminding me of the new Arabic alphabet I am learning. A new language for my new mythos.

The final piece I created in this series, asking myself “Where am I from?” as the American cousin.

A collage study inspired by Azrail, one of the four archangels in Islam. The figure holds their arms in an orans prayer pose with another being superimposed over their face, who is using instruments to measure or create. A metaphor suggesting a higher being’s judicial decisions of human morality, and holding souls accountable for their unjust actions.
A collage study inspired by @aaolomi's Twitter thread on jinn queens, in particular the daughter of Iblis. A figurative feminine shape ascends a smoke-like path, leading toward a domed entrance. The smoke path obscures two faces beneath it. Text reads: "Graceful/and Popular/Skills.” Soundtrack: "In the Cold, Cold Night" by The White Stripes.
A collage study using found paper to create a cityscape, referencing several cities at once: Los Angeles, Kansas City, and Tripoli, Lebanon.
A collage study inspired by @aaolomi's Twitter feed on Islamic archangel Israfil, Angel of Resurrection: "Israfil waits with eyes upturned to God and when the signal is given, the angel will reputedly blow on the horn ending all life, flattening the mountains, and bringing the end./Then when Israfil blows again all will be resurrected and the Day of Judgement begins." (April 1, 2020, 11:04am).
Inspired by recent dreams during the pandemic, especially watching thunderstorms while back in my childhood bedroom. Main text reads: "The Desert Tamed.”
This collage organizes “margins” saved from pages used in previous work, reminding me of the new Arabic alphabet I am learning. A new language for my new mythos.
The final piece I created in this series, asking myself “Where am I from?” as the American cousin.